Saturday, March 29, 2008

Goes to Show You Never Can Tell

Here's the Niicey update:

This calf got on Earl's last nerve and so he decided to bucket train her early. Usually we get them going on the bucket on the third day. (Bucket training helps calves lose their sucking instinct, which, if left unchecked, will cause them to try to nurse on each other. If they get nursed on, they can get bacteria in their little empty udders which turns into mastitis when they freshen and can compromise their milk production or even kill them.) On day two, he filled up her bucket and she seemed to be interested in it, so he left her to it and did some other stuff. When he came back, it was empty. No coaxing. No fingers in the milk to lure her head down. Nothing. She just drank.

So I guess I have to take it all back. She's like Einstein, failing his first algebra class. She wasn't dumb after all. She was just advanced. A bucket genius.

Go figure.

1 comment:

Bernadette said...

I think "bucket genius" will be my new catchphrase. Sort of a slam and a compliment at the same time?